What is the symbolism of flying fish?


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flying fish

Flying fish, with their remarkable ability to glide above the water’s surface, have captured the imagination of many cultures around the world. Their unique behavior has led to a rich tapestry of symbolism, representing freedom, transcendence, adaptability, and much more. This article delves deep into the various symbolic meanings associated with the flying fish, exploring its spiritual significance, cultural interpretations, color symbolism, and its presence in dreams, myths, and legends. Additionally, we will explore how to recognize if the flying fish is your spirit animal and what it symbolizes in your life.

Flying Fish Spiritual Meaning

The flying fish is often seen as a symbol of freedom and transcendence. Its ability to break free from the constraints of the water and soar through the air for brief moments represents the idea of overcoming limitations and achieving new heights. In spiritual contexts, the flying fish is a reminder that we are not bound by our current circumstances and that with effort and courage, we can rise above challenges.

The flying fish also symbolizes the balance between two worlds—the water and the air. This duality represents the balance we must maintain in our own lives, between the physical and the spiritual, the known and the unknown. It is a creature that effortlessly moves between these two realms, teaching us the importance of adaptability and fluidity in our spiritual journey.

In some spiritual traditions, the flying fish is seen as a messenger between worlds, carrying messages from the spiritual realm to the physical. Its appearance in your life may be a sign that you are being guided by higher forces or that you need to pay attention to your intuition and inner guidance.

The flying fish’s ability to leap out of the water also symbolizes a leap of faith. It encourages us to take risks and trust that we will land safely on the other side. This symbolism is particularly potent in times of change or uncertainty, reminding us that sometimes, we must take a chance and trust in the journey ahead.

Flying Fish Symbolism (In Different Countries)

The symbolism of the flying fish varies across different cultures and countries, each interpreting this fascinating creature in its own unique way.


In Japanese culture, the flying fish, or “tobiuo,” is a symbol of perseverance and determination. The Japanese admire the flying fish for its ability to glide through the air, seeing it as a metaphor for overcoming obstacles and continuing forward despite challenges. The flying fish is also associated with good fortune and is often seen as a harbinger of success in one’s endeavors.

Caribbean Islands

In the Caribbean, where flying fish are abundant, they are often seen as symbols of prosperity and abundance. The fish’s ability to leap out of the water and fly through the air is viewed as a demonstration of the limitless potential that exists in nature and in life. The flying fish is celebrated for its resilience and adaptability, qualities that are highly valued in Caribbean cultures.


In Polynesian cultures, the flying fish is a symbol of freedom and adventure. The Polynesians, known for their seafaring traditions, see the flying fish as a fellow traveler of the sea, embodying the spirit of exploration and discovery. It is also considered a guide for sailors, helping them navigate the vast oceans by following the fish’s flight patterns.


In Chinese symbolism, the flying fish represents ambition and success. The ability of the fish to soar above the water is seen as an analogy for rising above one’s circumstances and achieving great things. It is often used as a symbol of academic and professional success, particularly in contexts where hard work and perseverance are required to reach one’s goals.

Western Cultures

In many Western cultures, the flying fish is seen as a symbol of mystery and wonder. Its unusual behavior of gliding through the air has fascinated people for centuries, leading to various interpretations of its symbolism. Some view the flying fish as a representation of the soul’s journey, transcending the earthly plane and exploring the unknown. Others see it as a symbol of creativity and the ability to think outside the box, breaking free from conventional thinking to explore new ideas and possibilities.

See Also: 45 Flying Fish Quotes & Sayings

Flying Fish Symbolism (With Different Colors)

Color plays a significant role in the symbolism of animals, and the flying fish is no exception. Different colors of flying fish can carry different symbolic meanings, adding another layer of depth to their already rich symbolism.

Blue Flying Fish

A blue flying fish is often associated with calmness, tranquility, and emotional depth. Blue is a color that represents the ocean, which is the natural habitat of the flying fish. A blue flying fish may symbolize a deep connection to one’s emotions and the need to explore them fully. It may also represent peace and serenity, encouraging you to glide smoothly through life’s challenges without being overwhelmed by them.

Silver Flying Fish

Silver flying fish are symbols of reflection, intuition, and clarity. The color silver is often linked to the moon and feminine energy, which in turn is associated with intuition and the subconscious mind. A silver flying fish may appear in your life as a reminder to trust your instincts and to reflect on your inner thoughts and feelings. It also symbolizes clarity and the ability to see things as they truly are, cutting through illusions and deceptions.

Gold Flying Fish

Gold is a color of wealth, success, and enlightenment. A gold flying fish symbolizes abundance and prosperity, not just in the material sense but also in terms of spiritual and emotional richness. It may signify that you are on the path to achieving your goals and that success is within reach. The gold flying fish also represents enlightenment, suggesting that you are gaining valuable insights and wisdom on your journey.

Black Flying Fish

A black flying fish is a symbol of mystery, protection, and transformation. Black is a color that is often associated with the unknown and the hidden aspects of life. A black flying fish may represent a period of transformation or a time when you need to protect yourself from external influences. It may also symbolize the mysterious and unknown aspects of your life, encouraging you to explore the depths of your subconscious and to embrace the changes that are occurring.

White Flying Fish

White flying fish are symbols of purity, new beginnings, and spiritual awakening. The color white is often associated with cleanliness, innocence, and a fresh start. A white flying fish may appear to you as a sign that you are entering a new phase of your life, one that is filled with potential and opportunities for growth. It also represents spiritual awakening, suggesting that you are becoming more aware of your spiritual path and are ready to embark on a new journey of self-discovery.

Flying Fish Symbolize in Dreams

Dreams about flying fish are rich in symbolism and can carry various meanings depending on the context of the dream and the emotions associated with it.

Freedom and Escape

One of the most common interpretations of flying fish in dreams is that they symbolize freedom and the desire to escape from something in your waking life. The flying fish’s ability to leap out of the water and glide through the air can represent your longing to break free from limitations or constraints that are holding you back. This type of dream may indicate that you are seeking more freedom in your personal or professional life or that you need to find a way to escape from a situation that is causing you stress or discomfort.

Adaptability and Transition

Flying fish are known for their adaptability, and this trait is often reflected in dreams. If you dream of a flying fish, it may suggest that you are going through a period of transition in your life and that you need to be adaptable to navigate these changes successfully. The dream may be encouraging you to embrace the changes that are happening and to find ways to adjust to new circumstances rather than resisting them.

Exploration and Discovery

Dreams about flying fish can also symbolize exploration and discovery, particularly in relation to your emotions and inner thoughts. The fish’s ability to move between the water and the air represents the exploration of different realms of consciousness, suggesting that you are delving into your subconscious mind to uncover hidden truths or to gain a deeper understanding of yourself. This type of dream may be a sign that you are on a journey of self-discovery and that you are exploring new aspects of your personality or beliefs.

Spiritual Guidance

In some cases, flying fish in dreams may symbolize spiritual guidance or messages from the divine. The fish’s ability to soar above the water may represent a higher perspective or insight that you are gaining in your waking life. This type of dream may indicate that you are being guided by spiritual forces and that you should pay attention to your intuition and inner wisdom as you navigate your current circumstances.

Myths and Legends About Flying Fish

Flying fish have been the subject of various myths and legends throughout history, each culture adding its own unique interpretation to the symbolism of this fascinating creature.

Polynesian Mythology

In Polynesian mythology, flying fish are often associated with the sea gods and are considered sacred creatures. They are believed to be messengers of the gods, bringing important messages and guidance to those who encounter them. Some Polynesian legends tell of flying fish guiding lost sailors back to safety, using their unique ability to navigate both the water and the air to lead them to shore.

Japanese Folklore

In Japanese folklore, the flying fish is seen as a symbol of perseverance and determination. One popular legend tells of a flying fish that defied all odds to reach a distant shore, overcoming countless obstacles along the way. This story is often used as a metaphor for the human spirit’s ability to overcome challenges and achieve great things, even in the face of adversity.

Caribbean Legends

In the Caribbean, flying fish are often featured in stories about the ocean and its mysteries. Some legends tell of flying fish that were once birds, cursed by the sea gods to live in the water but given the ability to fly for brief moments as a reminder of their former lives. These stories highlight the theme of duality and the tension between freedom and constraint, a common motif in Caribbean mythology.

Chinese Myths

In Chinese mythology, flying fish are seen as symbols of ambition and success. One ancient legend tells of a flying fish that swam against the current of a powerful river, eventually transforming into a dragon. This story is often used to inspire perseverance and determination, encouraging people to strive for greatness even when the odds are against them.

How Do You Know if Flying Fish is Your Spirit Animal

The flying fish as a spirit animal is a powerful guide that can help you navigate the challenges and opportunities in your life. If you feel a strong connection to the flying fish, it may be your spirit animal, offering you guidance and wisdom as you move through life.

Signs That Flying Fish is Your Spirit Animal

You Value Freedom and Independence: If you cherish your freedom and strive to maintain your independence, the flying fish may be your spirit animal. Its ability to glide through the air symbolizes the desire to break free from limitations and explore new possibilities.

You Are Adaptable and Resilient: The flying fish’s adaptability and resilience are qualities that you may possess if it is your spirit animal. You can navigate changes and challenges with ease, adjusting to new circumstances without losing your sense of self.

You Are Drawn to Water and Air: If you feel a strong connection to both the water and the air, this may be a sign that the flying fish is your spirit animal. You may find peace and inspiration near bodies of water or in open spaces where you can feel the wind on your face.

You Seek Balance in Life: The flying fish’s ability to move between the water and the air represents a balance between two worlds. If you strive to maintain balance in your life, whether it’s between work and personal life or the physical and spiritual realms, the flying fish may be guiding you.

You Are a Risk-Taker: The flying fish’s leap of faith out of the water is a symbol of risk-taking. If you are someone who isn’t afraid to take risks and trust in the journey ahead, the flying fish may be your spirit animal, encouraging you to continue pursuing your dreams with courage and determination.


The flying fish is a creature rich in symbolism, representing freedom, adaptability, balance, and spiritual guidance. Whether it appears to you in a dream, a myth, or as your spirit animal, the flying fish carries powerful messages that can inspire and guide you on your life’s journey. By understanding the various meanings associated with the flying fish, you can gain deeper insights into your own life and the spiritual lessons it offers.

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