What Does An Eel Symbolize?


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eel Symbolize

Eels are fascinating creatures that dwell in the depths of the ocean, often hidden from sight. Their elusive nature and serpentine appearance have intrigued humans for centuries, leading to a variety of symbolic interpretations.

Eel Spiritual Meaning

In spiritual contexts, eels are often associated with adaptability, transformation, and mystery. Their ability to navigate through different environments, from the deep sea to freshwater rivers, symbolizes flexibility and the capacity to thrive in diverse situations.

The spiritual meaning of the eel also ties into the themes of intuition and the unconscious. Eels, being creatures of the deep, represent the hidden aspects of the psyche and the importance of looking beneath the surface to uncover deeper truths. They remind us to trust our instincts and to be open to the unknown.

In many cultures, the eel is also seen as a symbol of life force and vitality. Its wriggling, undulating movement is a reminder of the energy that flows through all living things. As a spiritual symbol, the eel encourages us to harness our inner power and to be resilient in the face of challenges.

Eel Symbolism (In Different Countries)


In Japan, eels (unagi) hold significant cultural and symbolic value. They are often associated with stamina and perseverance. This is particularly evident during the summer months when the Japanese eat unagi to gain strength and endure the heat. The eel’s ability to live in both fresh and saltwater is seen as a symbol of adaptability and resilience.

Additionally, in Japanese mythology, eels are linked to the water deity Mizuchi, a type of dragon or serpent spirit. This connection imbues eels with a sense of mysticism and reverence, often portraying them as guardians of water bodies and symbols of transformation and regeneration.


In European folklore, eels have a more ominous connotation. They are often associated with mystery and the unknown, partly due to their elusive nature and the difficulty in understanding their life cycle. In some tales, eels are seen as harbingers of change or as creatures that bridge the world of the living and the dead. Their serpentine form also links them to the symbolism of snakes, often seen as creatures of both wisdom and danger.

New Zealand

For the Māori people of New Zealand, eels (tuna) hold a sacred place in their mythology and traditions. They are considered to be descendants of the gods and are deeply respected. Eels are seen as kaitiaki, or guardians, of the waterways, embodying the life force of the rivers and lakes. The harvesting of eels is accompanied by rituals and respect, highlighting their importance in Māori culture.


In Polynesian cultures, eels are often associated with creation myths and ancestral spirits. They are seen as powerful and mystical creatures that can bring both blessings and curses. The eel’s ability to navigate both the sea and freshwater environments makes it a symbol of versatility and spiritual guidance. In some stories, eels are considered to be the embodiment of ancestors who watch over and protect their descendants.

See Also: What Does A Crocodile Symbolize?

Eel Symbolism (With Different Colors)

Black Eel

A black eel is often seen as a symbol of the unknown and the unconscious mind. Its dark color and hidden nature remind us of the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of our consciousness. Black eels can also represent transformation and the process of uncovering hidden truths about oneself. They encourage introspection and the exploration of one’s inner depths.

White Eel

White eels are associated with purity, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment. They symbolize the journey towards understanding and wisdom, highlighting the importance of seeking truth and clarity in one’s life. A white eel can also represent a fresh start or a new beginning, encouraging individuals to embrace change and let go of past burdens.

Blue Eel

Blue eels are often linked to emotions, intuition, and communication. The color blue represents the element of water and the fluidity of emotions. A blue eel encourages individuals to trust their instincts and to express their feelings openly. It can also symbolize calmness and tranquility, reminding us of the importance of maintaining emotional balance.

Green Eel

Green eels are symbolic of growth, renewal, and the natural world. They represent the life force and vitality that flows through all living things. A green eel encourages individuals to connect with nature and to embrace the cycles of growth and change. It is also a reminder of the importance of nurturing oneself and others.

Eel Symbolism in Dreams

Dreaming of eels can carry various symbolic meanings, often related to the themes of adaptability, transformation, and the unconscious mind. The specific context of the dream and the behavior of the eel can provide deeper insights into its symbolism.

Swimming Eel

If you dream of an eel swimming smoothly through water, it may symbolize your ability to navigate through emotional or difficult situations with ease. It suggests that you are adaptable and capable of handling whatever challenges come your way. This dream can also represent a desire for freedom and the need to explore new opportunities.

Caught Eel

Dreaming of catching an eel can indicate a sense of achievement or success in overcoming obstacles. It suggests that you are taking control of a situation and are ready to confront hidden aspects of your life. However, if the eel slips away, it may symbolize missed opportunities or the need to be more persistent in your efforts.

Eel Biting

If an eel bites you in a dream, it may symbolize repressed emotions or unresolved issues that need attention. This dream can be a warning to address these feelings before they become more problematic. It can also represent a fear of the unknown or a reluctance to confront certain aspects of your life.

Multiple Eels

Dreaming of multiple eels can signify a period of significant change or transformation in your life. It suggests that you are dealing with many different aspects of yourself or your situation. This dream encourages you to embrace these changes and to trust in your ability to adapt.

Myths and Legends About Eels

European Folklore

In European folklore, eels are often associated with mysterious and magical qualities. One popular myth involves the eel as a creature of transformation, capable of changing its shape and form. This ties into the broader European theme of shapeshifters and beings that can move between different states of existence.

Japanese Mythology

In Japanese mythology, the eel is linked to the deity Mizuchi, a dragon or serpent spirit associated with water. According to legend, Mizuchi could control the flow of rivers and bring rain, highlighting the eel’s connection to water and its life-giving properties. Eels are also featured in stories about perseverance and resilience, embodying the spirit of overcoming obstacles.

Māori Legends

For the Māori of New Zealand, eels are considered sacred and are deeply woven into their creation myths. One legend tells of the eel as a guardian spirit of the rivers, protecting the waterways and ensuring the prosperity of the people. The eel is also seen as a symbol of ancestral connections, linking the living to their ancestors.

Polynesian Myths

In Polynesian mythology, eels are often associated with powerful gods and spirits. One famous myth involves the eel deity, who could transform into a human and interact with mortals. This tale underscores the eel’s symbolic role as a bridge between the human and divine realms, highlighting its mystical qualities.

How Do You Know if the Eel is Your Spirit Animal?

Identifying the eel as your spirit animal involves recognizing the traits and qualities that resonate with your personality and life experiences. Here are some signs that the eel might be your spirit animal:


If you find that you are highly adaptable and can thrive in various environments and situations, the eel may be your spirit animal. Eels are known for their ability to live in both fresh and saltwater, symbolizing flexibility and resilience.


A strong sense of intuition and the ability to trust your instincts are key traits of those who identify with the eel. If you often rely on your inner guidance and have a deep connection to your unconscious mind, the eel could be your spirit guide.


If you are constantly evolving and embracing change in your life, the eel’s symbolism of transformation and renewal may resonate with you. The eel’s life cycle, involving significant changes and adaptations, mirrors the journey of personal growth and transformation.


A fascination with the unknown and a desire to explore hidden truths may indicate a connection to the eel. Those who are drawn to the mysterious and enjoy delving into the depths of their psyche may find the eel to be a fitting spirit animal.

Energy and Vitality

If you possess a vibrant life force and a dynamic personality, the eel’s symbolism of vitality and energy may align with your own traits. The eel’s wriggling, energetic movement reflects a zest for life and a powerful inner drive.


Eels are enigmatic creatures that carry rich and varied symbolism across different cultures and contexts. Their association with adaptability, transformation, intuition, and mystery makes them powerful spiritual symbols. Whether encountered in dreams, mythology, or as a spirit animal, the eel invites us to embrace change, trust our instincts, and explore the depths of our inner selves. By understanding the symbolic meanings of eels, we can gain deeper insights into our own lives and the world around us.

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