What Does A Black Cicada Symbolize?


Black Cicada Symbolize

The black cicada, an intriguing insect known for its distinctive appearance and captivating song, has been a subject of fascination and symbolism in various cultures around the world. Its life cycle, appearance, and behaviors have inspired a range of interpretations, from spiritual meanings to cultural symbolism. This article delves into the multifaceted symbolism of the black cicada, exploring its spiritual significance, its meaning in different cultures, its role as a totem, its appearance in dreams, and the myths and legends that surround it. Additionally, we will discuss how to determine if the black cicada is your spirit animal.

Black Cicada Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of the black cicada is deeply rooted in its life cycle and transformation process. Cicadas are known for their long periods of dormancy underground, followed by a dramatic emergence and a relatively short period of life above ground. This cycle of rebirth and transformation makes the black cicada a powerful symbol of renewal, change, and the passage of time.

Transformation and Rebirth

The black cicada’s life cycle is a metaphor for transformation and rebirth. Emerging from the ground after years of development, it sheds its old skin and becomes a new being. This process symbolizes the idea of personal growth, shedding old habits or ways of thinking, and embracing a new phase of life.

Time and Immortality

The longevity and cyclical nature of cicadas, particularly their ability to remain dormant for extended periods, can symbolize immortality and the endless cycle of life and death. This aspect is often associated with the spiritual concept of eternal life and the soul’s journey.

Communication and Expression

Cicadas are renowned for their loud, resonant songs. In a spiritual context, this can symbolize the importance of communication, self-expression, and finding one’s voice. The black cicada encourages individuals to speak their truth and share their wisdom.

Connection to Nature

As creatures deeply connected to the earth, spending most of their lives underground, cicadas symbolize a deep connection to nature and the earth’s cycles. This can also be interpreted as a reminder to stay grounded and in tune with the natural world.

See Also: What Does A Cicada Symbolize?

Black Cicada Symbolism (In Different Countries)

The symbolism of the black cicada varies significantly across different cultures, reflecting local beliefs, traditions, and values.


In Chinese culture, the cicada is a symbol of immortality and resurrection. Ancient Chinese believed that the cicada’s emergence from the ground represented the soul’s emergence from the body after death. Cicadas were often used in funeral rituals and as amulets to ensure safe passage to the afterlife.


In Japan, the cicada (known as “semi”) is seen as a symbol of summer and the fleeting nature of life. Its brief period of life above ground reminds people of the transient nature of existence. The black cicada, in particular, is associated with both beauty and melancholy, reflecting the delicate balance between life and death.


In ancient Greece, cicadas were considered sacred to the god Apollo, representing music, poetry, and the arts. Their song was seen as a divine melody that could connect humans with the gods. Cicadas also symbolized immortality and the eternal nature of the soul.

Native American Cultures

For many Native American tribes, cicadas are symbols of renewal and personal transformation. Their life cycle is seen as a metaphor for the human journey of growth and change. Cicadas also represent the importance of community and communication, as their songs are often heard in chorus.

Black Cicada Totem

Having a black cicada as a totem animal is considered a powerful spiritual gift. Totem animals are believed to offer guidance, protection, and wisdom to individuals who resonate with their energy.

Guidance and Insight

As a totem, the black cicada offers guidance in times of change and transformation. It encourages individuals to embrace new beginnings and trust in the process of personal growth. The cicada’s life cycle reminds us that periods of dormancy and introspection are necessary for true transformation.

Voice and Communication

The black cicada totem emphasizes the importance of communication and finding one’s voice. It teaches individuals to express themselves honestly and to listen to the messages of others. This totem encourages the sharing of knowledge and wisdom.

Connection to the Earth

With its strong connection to the earth, the black cicada totem helps individuals stay grounded and connected to nature. It reminds us to honor the cycles of life and to find balance in our interactions with the natural world.

Resilience and Patience

The black cicada’s long period of dormancy symbolizes patience and resilience. As a totem, it teaches us the value of waiting for the right moment to emerge and take action. This quality can be particularly beneficial during times of uncertainty or stagnation.

Black Cicada Symbolize in Dreams

Dreams featuring black cicadas can carry significant symbolic meanings. Interpreting these dreams can offer insights into personal growth, transformation, and communication.

Transformation and New Beginnings

Seeing a black cicada in a dream often signifies a period of transformation or a new beginning. It may indicate that the dreamer is undergoing significant personal growth or is on the verge of a major life change.

Finding Your Voice

A black cicada in a dream can also symbolize the need to express oneself or communicate more effectively. It may suggest that the dreamer needs to find their voice and share their thoughts and feelings with others.

Patience and Resilience

Dreaming of a black cicada can be a reminder to remain patient and resilient. It may indicate that the dreamer is in a period of waiting or preparation, and that perseverance will eventually lead to success.

Connection to Nature

If the dream emphasizes the cicada’s natural environment, it may suggest a need to reconnect with nature or to pay more attention to the natural cycles in one’s life. This can be a reminder to stay grounded and mindful of the world around us.

Myths and Legends About Black Cicada

Throughout history, the black cicada has been featured in various myths and legends, often highlighting its symbolic significance.

Chinese Mythology

In Chinese mythology, the cicada is associated with immortality and rebirth. One legend tells of a wise sage who transformed into a cicada to achieve eternal life. This story underscores the cicada’s role as a symbol of transformation and the soul’s journey.

Japanese Folklore

In Japanese folklore, cicadas are often linked to themes of beauty and impermanence. One tale tells of a beautiful maiden who transforms into a cicada, symbolizing the fleeting nature of youth and beauty. The cicada’s song is seen as a reminder of life’s transient moments.

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, the cicada was sacred to the god Apollo, representing music and poetic inspiration. According to one legend, the first cicada was created when a musician played his lyre so beautifully that he was transformed into a cicada, allowing him to sing forever.

Native American Legends

In Native American legends, cicadas are often depicted as messengers and symbols of transformation. One story tells of a young warrior who, after a period of introspection and self-discovery, transforms into a cicada to share his newfound wisdom with his tribe.

How Do You Know if the Black Cicada is Your Spirit Animal

Determining if the black cicada is your spirit animal involves introspection and paying attention to signs and synchronicities in your life.

Recurring Encounters

If you frequently encounter black cicadas in your daily life, whether in nature, in dreams, or in symbolic representations, it may be a sign that the black cicada is your spirit animal.

Personal Resonance

Reflect on the symbolism and qualities of the black cicada. If you feel a strong connection to its themes of transformation, communication, and resilience, it may indicate that the black cicada is your spirit animal.

Meditation and Reflection

Spend time in meditation and reflection, focusing on the black cicada and its symbolism. Pay attention to any intuitive feelings or insights that arise. Spirit animals often reveal themselves through inner knowing and intuition.

Guidance and Messages

Consider the guidance and messages the black cicada offers. If you find that its symbolism and lessons resonate with your current life situation or personal journey, it may be a sign that the black cicada is your spirit animal.

Confirmation from Others

Sometimes, others may recognize and confirm the presence of a spirit animal in your life. Pay attention to comments or observations from friends, family, or spiritual guides who may perceive the black cicada’s influence in your life.


The black cicada is a rich and multifaceted symbol, embodying themes of transformation, communication, resilience, and connection to nature. Its spiritual meaning and cultural symbolism vary across different traditions, yet consistently highlight its role as a powerful metaphor for personal growth and the cyclical nature of life. Whether encountered in dreams, myths, or as a totem, the black cicada offers valuable insights and guidance for those attuned to its energy. Understanding the black cicada’s symbolism can provide profound wisdom and inspiration on one’s spiritual journey.

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