35 Owl Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs


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Traditional Proverbs

The owl of ignorance lays the egg of pride.”

“The owl does not boast of its silent flight.”

“An owl hooting in the daylight foretells a stormy night.”

“When the owl sings, the night is silent.”

“The owl sees in the dark, but the night holds its secrets.”

“To hear an owl hoot means a death is near.”

“The owl’s hoot and the wolf’s howl announce the night’s dominion.”

“The owl is the wisest of all birds because the more it sees, the less it talks.”

“An owl in the house brings good fortune.”

“If an owl builds its nest in your house, it foretells the birth of a girl.”

“An owl’s hoot foretells a chill in the air.”

“The owl’s call is a song to the night.” —

“The owl catches the mouse, but the mouse does not see the owl.”

“When the owl cries, the Indian dies.”

“The owl and the lark agree, one flies by day, the other by night.”

See Also: What Does An Owl Symbolize?

Literary Quotes

“I am a night owl, prowling in the night, hunting for dreams.”

“The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk.”

“Owls hoot in B flat, cuckoos in D, but the water ousel sings in the voice of the stream. She builds her nest back of the waterfalls so the water is a lullaby to the little ones. Must be where they learn it.”

“Night’s black agents to their prey do rouse.”

“The owl, night’s herald.”

“When an owl hoots, the Indian believes that it is an omen of death.”

“Owls fly softly, not like other birds.”

“Owls are wise. They are careful and patient.”

“Owls are mysterious because they are not seen by day.”

“The owl, with eyes of amber, sat upright, blinking in the sun.”

“Owl had the world in its talons.”

“Owls see the darkness, and know that light shines somewhere behind it.”

“Owls have large eyes because they see things in the dark that others cannot.”

“The owl and the tree conspired to change the world.”

“Owls hooting in the night air, and there’s not a damn thing wrong with that.”

Modern Sayings

“Stay up late; you never know whooo you might meet.”

“Owls are the night’s librarians.”

“Owls: Because not every wise creature wears glasses.”

“Owls are the silent warriors of the night.”

“In the forest of a hundred thousand trees, no two leaves are alike. And no two journeys along the same path are alike.”

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