38 Ostrich Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs


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The ostrich teaches us that sometimes hiding from problems only delays the inevitable.”

“To ignore danger is not courage, it’s negligence—like the ostrich hiding its head.”

“The ostrich may run from danger, but it cannot hide forever.”

“As the ostrich trusts its speed, so the lizard its ability to hide.”

“The ostrich’s strength lies not in its wings, but in its legs.”

“The ostrich teaches us to be swift and sure in our actions.”

“Like the ostrich, we should strive to rise above our circumstances.”

“An ostrich cannot fly, but it can run faster than a horse.”

“The ostrich reminds us to confront our fears head-on.”

“An ostrich’s stride covers much ground but reveals little.”

“The ostrich’s wings are small, yet it journeys far.”

“The ostrich’s strength is in its speed, not its stature.”

“The ostrich teaches us that sometimes, speed is the best defense.”

“The ostrich runs swiftly, but its shadow is always behind.”

“An ostrich’s stride is measured, but its vision keen.”

See Also: What Does An Ostrich Symbolize?


“The ostrich, once proud, now hides its face in shame.”

“The ostrich’s dance is a sight to behold, a message from the gods.”

“In tales of old, the ostrich’s feather brought protection and wisdom.”

“The ostrich’s call foretells the coming storm.”

“The ostrich is the keeper of secrets, its wings whispering tales of old.”

“The ostrich’s tears bring rain to the parched earth.”

“The ostrich’s egg is a gift from the heavens, bringing prosperity to those who find it.”

“An ostrich feather in your path means fortune awaits.”

“To see an ostrich at dawn is to witness the spirit world at play.”

“An ostrich’s dance brings joy to the weary heart.”

“The ostrich’s stride echoes the rhythm of the earth.”

“The ostrich’s feather adorns the wise, granting them insight beyond measure.”

Modern Insights

“In the digital age, the ostrich’s head-in-the-sand approach is a dangerous game.”

“Like the ostrich, we sometimes bury our heads in our devices, unaware of the world around us.”

“The ostrich’s adaptability teaches us the art of survival in changing climates.”

“An ostrich’s eyes are as sharp as a hawk’s, scanning the horizon for opportunity.”

“The ostrich’s quick reflexes inspire athletes to push their limits.”

“In the urban jungle, the ostrich’s camouflage would be the ultimate disguise.”

“The ostrich’s flightlessness reminds us of the limitations we impose upon ourselves.”

“The ostrich’s feather, once prized, now decorates the world’s finest attire.”

“An ostrich’s memory is long, its loyalty unwavering.”

“The ostrich’s speed is a marvel of evolution, a lesson in efficiency.”

“In a world of giants, the ostrich stands tall in its own way.”

“The ostrich’s call is a symphony in the silence of the desert.”

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