36 Crow Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs



Quotes about Crow

“Crow speaks to those who listen with open hearts and minds.” – Anonymous

“In the crow’s caw, secrets of the universe unfold.” – Native American Proverb

“Crow, the messenger between realms, whispers ancient truths.” – Unknown

The crow’s black feather carries the wisdom of ages.” – Celtic Saying

“Where the crow flies, there is magic in the air.” – Anonymous

“Crow’s laughter echoes through the skies, reminding us to find joy.” – Unknown

“Crow teaches that even darkness holds beauty and mystery.” – Native American Wisdom

“The crow knows the way when others are lost.” – Author Unknown

“In the eyes of a crow, eternity awaits.” – Japanese Proverb

“Crow, the sentinel of the spirit world, guards with unseen wings.” – Anonymous

“The shadow of a crow holds the secrets of dawn.” – Chinese Proverb

“Crow’s flight traces the contours of the soul’s journey.” – Native American Saying

See Also: What Does A Crow Symbolize?

Sayings about Crow

“As the crow flies, so does the heart.” – English Saying

“Crow’s cawing heralds the coming storm.” – Anonymous

“A single crow can change the landscape of perception.” – Unknown

“Crow’s feathers paint the sky with stories untold.” – Native American Saying

“In the silence after the crow’s cry, wisdom whispers.” – Author Unknown

“Crow, the mirror of the human spirit, reflects our hidden truths.” – Celtic Proverb

“Follow the crow’s path and discover hidden treasures.” – Anonymous

“Where there is a crow, there is magic waiting to be seen.” – Unknown

“Crow teaches that adaptation is the key to survival.” – Native American Wisdom

“The crow’s eye sees beyond the horizon of the ordinary.” – Author Unknown

“The crow’s song echoes through the tapestry of time.” – Chinese Saying

Proverbs about Crow

“The crow does not hide its essence in flight.” – Native American Proverb

“Crow, in its blackness, carries the light of understanding.” – Celtic Wisdom

“When the crow calls, the wise listen.” – Author Unknown

“The crow perches on the edge of transformation.” – Anonymous

“Crow’s flight navigates the currents of the unseen.” – Native American Proverb

“In the heart of every crow lies the power of ancient wisdom.” – Unknown

“Follow the crow’s wisdom to find the hidden springs of life.” – Japanese Proverb

“Crow’s feathers are woven with the threads of the universe.” – Celtic Saying

“The crow’s dance celebrates the cycles of creation.” – Author Unknown

“Where the crow lands, mystery unfolds.” – Native American Proverb

“Crow’s gaze pierces the veil between worlds.” – Unknown

“In the company of crows, solitude becomes a song.” – Chinese Proverb

“The crow’s flight is guided by the currents of destiny.” – Anonymous

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