30 Locust Quotes, Sayings & Proverbs


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The locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks.”

“Even the locust has a purpose in the world; how much more so, then, does man?”

“In the midst of chaos, find your rhythm, like the locusts in the swarm.”

“When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills, while the locusts ride the wind.”

“Just as the locust swarms teach us unity, our own swarms teach us community.”

“The locusts remind us that even the smallest among us can bring about great change.”

“In the dance of life, sometimes we are the locusts, and sometimes we are the fields they devour.”

“The locust’s swarm is a lesson in the unstoppable force of collective action.”

“When you face an obstacle, think like a locust: adapt, persevere, and swarm forward.”

“The locust teaches us that adversity can be an opportunity for transformation.”

See Also: What Does A Locust Symbolize?


“As the summer sun rises, so too do the locusts, a chorus of wings in the morning breeze.”

“The locusts emerge, a living tide across the fields, devouring and renewing in their wake.”

“When the earth hums with cicadas and the skies darken with locusts, nature’s symphony is complete.”

“In the stillness of the desert night, the locusts’ song fills the air, echoing through the dunes.”

“Locusts know no boundaries; they heed only the call of the wind and the promise of abundance.”

“Each locust is a thread in the tapestry of the wild, woven with hunger and driven by instinct.”

“The locust’s molted shell tells the tale of transformation, where old forms are shed for new growth.”

“The locust’s flight is a ballet of survival, a delicate balance between hunger and migration.”

“In the swarm of locusts, we witness nature’s fury and its boundless capacity for renewal.”

“From the locust’s wings, we learn the poetry of movement in the vast expanse of the sky.”


“Like locusts on a field, thoughts can devour the mind if left unchecked.”

“The swarm of worries descended on her mind like a plague of locusts.”

“His appetite for power was insatiable, consuming everything like a swarm of locusts.”

“Greed ravaged the land like a plague of locusts, leaving only barren fields in its wake.”

“In the city’s rush hour, people moved like locusts through the streets, each driven by their own purpose.”

“The internet buzzed with activity, a digital swarm akin to locusts descending on a ripe field.”

“As time passed, memories gathered like locusts, leaving their mark on the landscape of his mind.”

“In the aftermath of the war, aid workers descended on the region like locusts, bringing hope and rebuilding.”

“Her words cut through the room like a swarm of locusts, leaving silence in their wake.”

“Fear spread through the community like a swarm of locusts, darkening hearts with uncertainty.”

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