What Does An Ostrich Symbolize?


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Ostrich Symbolize

Ostriches are fascinating creatures that have captured the human imagination for centuries. Known for their immense size, powerful legs, and distinctive appearance, ostriches are the largest living birds on the planet. Beyond their physical attributes, ostriches have also found their way into various cultural, spiritual, and symbolic contexts. This article will explore the multifaceted symbolism of the ostrich, including its spiritual meaning, its significance in different countries, its symbolism with different colors, its presence in dreams, myths and legends, and how you can determine if the ostrich is your spirit animal.

Ostrich Spiritual Meaning

In spiritual contexts, the ostrich holds a range of meanings. Often associated with grounding and practicality, the ostrich reminds us of the importance of staying grounded and connected to the earth. Their inability to fly, coupled with their ability to run at high speeds, signifies the need to face life’s challenges with strength and resilience rather than escaping from them.

Grounding and Practicality

Ostriches, with their large feet planted firmly on the ground, symbolize the necessity of staying grounded in reality. This can serve as a reminder to keep our ambitions and dreams rooted in practicality. The ostrich encourages us to build a solid foundation for our goals and to be mindful of the steps we need to take to achieve them.

Resilience and Strength

The ostrich’s powerful legs, capable of delivering strong kicks to defend themselves, symbolize resilience and strength. They teach us to harness our inner power and stand firm in the face of adversity. This resilience is not about aggressive confrontation but about maintaining one’s ground and protecting oneself when necessary.


Despite their flightless nature, ostriches have adapted remarkably well to their environment. They can thrive in harsh conditions and have developed various survival strategies. This adaptability is a significant spiritual lesson, encouraging us to be flexible and resourceful in the face of changing circumstances.

Ostrich Symbolism in Different Countries

Different cultures across the world attribute various symbolic meanings to the ostrich. These interpretations often reflect the unique characteristics of the ostrich, shaped by local beliefs and traditions.


In Africa, where ostriches are native, they hold significant cultural importance. The ostrich is often seen as a symbol of fertility and prosperity. Some African tribes believe that ostrich eggs have magical properties that can bring good luck and ward off evil spirits. The ostrich’s feathers are also used in ceremonial attire and rituals, symbolizing purity and protection.


Ancient Egyptians revered the ostrich for its association with the goddess Ma’at, the deity of truth, balance, and justice. The ostrich feather was a symbol of Ma’at and was used in the weighing of the heart ceremony, where it was weighed against the heart of the deceased to determine their fate in the afterlife. This association links the ostrich to themes of truth, integrity, and moral righteousness.

Native American Culture

In some Native American cultures, the ostrich represents endurance and survival. Its ability to thrive in arid environments mirrors the survival skills necessary for living in harsh conditions. The ostrich is seen as a totem animal that imparts wisdom about perseverance and the importance of adapting to one’s surroundings.

Middle East

In Middle Eastern folklore, the ostrich is often associated with the mystical and the unknown. Its unique appearance and behaviors have inspired numerous myths and stories. In some tales, the ostrich is seen as a creature that bridges the gap between the physical and spiritual worlds, embodying a connection to the divine.

See Also: What Does A Swallow Symbolize?

Ostrich Symbolism with Different Colors

The symbolism of ostriches can also vary based on their coloration, with different colors imparting unique symbolic meanings.

White Ostrich

A white ostrich, though rare, is often seen as a symbol of purity and innocence. White animals in general are frequently associated with spiritual enlightenment and divine protection. A white ostrich can symbolize a fresh start or a new beginning, encouraging us to approach life with a sense of purity and open-mindedness.

Black Ostrich

Black ostriches symbolize mystery and the unknown. The color black is often linked to the unconscious mind and hidden aspects of ourselves. A black ostrich might represent the need to delve into our inner selves, exploring our subconscious fears and desires. It can also symbolize protection and strength, as the color black often represents a shield against negative energies.

Grey Ostrich

A grey ostrich, blending both black and white, symbolizes balance and neutrality. It suggests the importance of finding harmony between opposing forces in our lives. Grey ostriches remind us to embrace both the light and dark aspects of ourselves and to seek equilibrium in our actions and thoughts.

Ostrich Symbolize in Dreams

Dreams featuring ostriches can carry various meanings, often reflecting our subconscious thoughts and emotions.

Facing Fears

Seeing an ostrich in a dream might symbolize the need to face your fears. Since ostriches are known for burying their heads in the sand, dreaming of an ostrich can indicate that you are avoiding a problem or issue in your waking life. The dream encourages you to confront these issues head-on rather than ignoring them.

Seeking Grounding

Dreaming of an ostrich might suggest a need for grounding. If you feel lost or disconnected in your waking life, the ostrich appears in your dream to remind you to stay connected to reality and to focus on practical steps towards your goals.

Adaptability and Resilience

An ostrich in your dream can also symbolize adaptability and resilience. If you are facing challenges, the dream may be telling you to be flexible and to use your inner strength to overcome obstacles. The ostrich encourages you to adapt to changing circumstances and to keep moving forward despite difficulties.

Myths and Legends About Ostrich

Ostriches have appeared in various myths and legends throughout history, each adding to the rich tapestry of their symbolism.

Ancient Egypt

In Ancient Egyptian mythology, the ostrich feather was central to the concept of Ma’at, the goddess of truth and justice. The feather was used in the weighing of the heart ceremony to determine the worthiness of the deceased’s soul. This myth emphasizes the ostrich’s connection to themes of truth, moral integrity, and the afterlife.

Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, the ostrich was often associated with Hermes, the messenger of the gods. Hermes was known for his speed and agility, qualities that are also attributed to the ostrich. This connection highlights the ostrich’s symbolism of swiftness, communication, and travel.

African Folklore

In African folklore, the ostrich often appears as a wise and resourceful creature. Some tales describe the ostrich as a cunning trickster who uses its intelligence to outwit predators and survive in the wild. These stories emphasize the ostrich’s adaptability and wisdom.

Native American Legends

Some Native American legends portray the ostrich as a symbol of endurance and resilience. In these stories, the ostrich teaches lessons about survival and the importance of staying strong in the face of adversity. The ostrich’s ability to thrive in harsh environments serves as an inspiration for perseverance.

How Do You Know if the Ostrich is Your Spirit Animal

Determining if the ostrich is your spirit animal involves introspection and awareness of the signs and symbols in your life. Here are some ways to identify if the ostrich is your spirit guide.

Frequent Encounters

If you frequently encounter ostriches in your life, whether in person, in media, or in dreams, it might be a sign that the ostrich is your spirit animal. Pay attention to how often the ostrich appears and in what context.

Personal Traits

Consider if you embody traits associated with the ostrich. Are you grounded, practical, and resilient? Do you have a strong sense of self and the ability to adapt to changing circumstances? If these qualities resonate with you, the ostrich might be your spirit guide.

Spiritual Signs

Meditate and ask for guidance from your spirit guides. Sometimes, the ostrich may appear in your meditations or in moments of introspection. Trust your intuition and the messages you receive during these spiritual practices.

Symbolic Resonance

Reflect on whether the symbolism of the ostrich resonates with you on a deeper level. Do the themes of grounding, strength, adaptability, and resilience feel relevant to your life journey? If so, the ostrich may be your spirit animal.


The ostrich is a powerful symbol that encompasses a wide range of meanings and interpretations. From its spiritual significance to its role in various cultures and its presence in myths and dreams, the ostrich offers valuable lessons about grounding, resilience, adaptability, and strength. By understanding the rich symbolism of the ostrich, we can gain deeper insights into our own lives and the spiritual guidance we receive. Whether as a spirit animal or a symbolic figure, the ostrich continues to inspire and teach us about the importance of staying connected to reality and facing life’s challenges with courage and determination.

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