What Does A Cicada Symbolize?


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Cicada Symbolize

Cicadas, the small, elusive insects known for their distinct buzzing sounds, hold significant symbolic meanings in various cultures and contexts. These insects have fascinated humans for centuries due to their unique life cycles and behaviors. This article explores the spiritual meaning of cicadas, their symbolism in different countries, the significance of cicada colors, what it means to see cicadas in dreams, myths and legends associated with cicadas, and how to determine if the cicada is your spirit animal.

Cicada Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of cicadas is deeply rooted in their life cycle and behaviors. Cicadas are often associated with themes of transformation, rebirth, and renewal. This symbolism is primarily derived from their unique life cycle, where they spend several years underground as nymphs before emerging, molting, and transforming into adults. This process is seen as a powerful metaphor for personal growth and transformation.

Transformation and Rebirth: The cicada’s emergence from the ground symbolizes a significant transformation. It reminds us that personal growth often requires patience and perseverance. Just as the cicada spends years underground before emerging, humans may also undergo prolonged periods of development before achieving their true potential.

Renewal and Regeneration: Cicadas shed their exoskeletons as they mature, symbolizing the shedding of old habits, beliefs, or situations to embrace new beginnings. This act of molting represents the idea of letting go of the past and embracing renewal.

Immortality and Resurrection: In some cultures, cicadas are seen as symbols of immortality and resurrection. The ancient Chinese believed that cicadas had the power to grant immortality, as their seemingly miraculous return from underground every few years was likened to a form of resurrection.

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Cicada Symbolism in Different Countries

Cicadas hold various symbolic meanings in different cultures around the world. Here, we explore the significance of cicadas in some of these cultures.


In Chinese culture, the cicada is a symbol of immortality and spiritual enlightenment. The ancient Chinese associated cicadas with resurrection and eternal life, often placing jade cicada amulets in the mouths of the deceased to ensure their rebirth in the afterlife. The cicada’s song is also considered a symbol of the summer season.


In Japan, cicadas are seen as symbols of reincarnation and the transient nature of life. The Japanese appreciate the cicada’s brief but intense period of adult life, which serves as a reminder of the fleeting nature of existence and the importance of living in the moment. Cicadas are also associated with the summer season and are featured in many traditional Japanese poems and haikus.


In ancient Greek mythology, the cicada was a symbol of music and poetry. The Greeks admired the cicada for its continuous singing, which they associated with the Muses, the goddesses of art and science. The cicada was also considered a symbol of immortality due to its ability to seemingly return from the dead.

Native American Culture

For some Native American tribes, cicadas symbolize renewal and change. The Hopi tribe, for example, views the cicada as a harbinger of rain and fertility. The cicada’s emergence from the ground after a long period is seen as a sign of the earth’s renewal.

Cicada Symbolism with Different Colors

The symbolism of cicadas can also vary based on their colors. Here are some interpretations of cicada symbolism according to their color variations.

Green Cicadas

Green cicadas are often associated with growth, abundance, and new beginnings. Their vibrant color is linked to nature and the renewal of life. Seeing a green cicada may symbolize a period of personal growth or the start of a new phase in your life.

Black Cicadas

Black cicadas are typically linked to mystery, the unknown, and transformation. The color black is often associated with depth and introspection. Encountering a black cicada might indicate a need to delve into your inner self and explore hidden aspects of your personality.

Brown Cicadas

Brown cicadas symbolize stability, grounding, and connection to the earth. Their earthy color represents the natural cycle of life and the importance of staying rooted. A brown cicada can signify a time to focus on practical matters and strengthen your foundation.

White Cicadas

White cicadas are rare and are often seen as symbols of purity, clarity, and spiritual awakening. The color white is associated with light and divine energy. Seeing a white cicada may suggest a period of spiritual enlightenment or a call to focus on your spiritual path.

Cicada Symbolism in Dreams

Dreaming of cicadas can carry various meanings, depending on the context of the dream and the emotions associated with it. Here are some common interpretations of cicada symbolism in dreams.

Transformation and Change: Dreaming of cicadas can indicate a period of transformation and personal growth. The cicada’s life cycle, which involves a significant change from nymph to adult, can symbolize your own journey of self-discovery and development.

Renewal and New Beginnings: A dream about cicadas emerging from the ground or shedding their exoskeletons may signify new beginnings and the opportunity to start afresh. It can be a reminder to let go of old habits or situations that no longer serve you.

Communication and Expression: Cicadas are known for their loud, distinctive songs. Dreaming of cicadas singing can represent the need to express yourself more openly and communicate your thoughts and feelings. It may also suggest that you are being heard and your voice is being acknowledged.

Alertness and Awareness: Cicadas are often associated with heightened awareness and alertness. A dream featuring cicadas can indicate that you need to pay closer attention to your surroundings or be more aware of what is happening in your life.

Myths and Legends About Cicadas

Cicadas have been featured in numerous myths and legends across different cultures. Here are some notable examples.

The Chinese Legend of Zhuangzi

In Chinese mythology, there is a story about the philosopher Zhuangzi, who dreamed he was a cicada. When he woke up, he wondered if he was a man dreaming of being a cicada or a cicada dreaming of being a man. This story highlights the themes of transformation and the blurred lines between reality and dreams.

The Greek Myth of Tithonus

According to Greek mythology, Tithonus was a mortal who was granted immortality by the gods but forgot to ask for eternal youth. As a result, he aged continuously and eventually transformed into a cicada, symbolizing the idea of eternal life with perpetual renewal.

Native American Hopi Legends

In Hopi legends, cicadas are considered symbols of rain and fertility. The Hopi believe that cicadas can bring rain, which is essential for their crops and survival. Cicadas are also seen as messengers from the spirit world, bridging the gap between the physical and spiritual realms.

Japanese Haiku and Literature

Cicadas are a common theme in Japanese haiku and literature, often representing the transient nature of life. The short lifespan of the adult cicada is seen as a metaphor for the fleetingness of human existence, reminding people to appreciate the present moment.

How Do You Know if the Cicada is Your Spirit Animal

Determining if the cicada is your spirit animal involves paying attention to the signs and messages you receive in your life. Here are some indications that the cicada might be your spirit animal.

Repeated Encounters: If you frequently encounter cicadas in your daily life, whether in nature, dreams, or imagery, it may be a sign that the cicada is your spirit animal. These repeated encounters can indicate that the cicada has a significant message for you.

Resonance with Cicada Symbolism: If the symbolic meanings associated with cicadas, such as transformation, renewal, and communication, resonate deeply with you, it could be a sign that the cicada is your spirit animal. Reflect on how these themes play a role in your life and personal growth.

Personal Connection: Some people feel a strong personal connection to cicadas, often from childhood experiences or significant moments in their lives. If you have a special affinity for cicadas and feel drawn to them, it might be an indication that the cicada is your spirit animal.

Intuitive Feeling: Trust your intuition when determining your spirit animal. If you feel a deep, intuitive connection to cicadas and sense that they have a special significance for you, it is likely that the cicada is your spirit animal.

In conclusion, cicadas hold profound symbolic meanings in various cultures and contexts. Their life cycle and behaviors inspire themes of transformation, renewal, immortality, and communication. Understanding the spiritual and cultural significance of cicadas can provide valuable insights into personal growth and self-discovery. Whether encountered in dreams, myths, or everyday life, cicadas remind us of the importance of embracing change and living in harmony with the cycles of nature.

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