What Does A Locust Symbolize?


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Locust Symbolize

Locusts, often seen as pests due to their swarming behavior and devastating effects on crops, have a rich tapestry of symbolic meanings in various cultures, religions, and contexts. This article delves into the spiritual meanings, symbolism in different countries, symbolism with different colors, dream interpretations, myths and legends, and how to identify if the locust is your spirit animal.

Locust Spiritual Meaning

In many spiritual traditions, locusts are seen as powerful symbols. They represent both destruction and transformation, often indicating a period of significant change. The Bible frequently mentions locusts as agents of divine retribution, symbolizing punishment and the need for repentance. For instance, in the Book of Exodus, locusts are one of the ten plagues sent by God to persuade Pharaoh to release the Israelites from bondage.

On a more positive note, some spiritual interpretations view locusts as symbols of resilience and adaptability. Their ability to thrive in harsh conditions and their transformation from solitary grasshoppers to gregarious swarming locusts can be seen as metaphors for personal growth and overcoming adversity. In this sense, a locust sighting might suggest that one is about to undergo a significant transformation or that one needs to adapt to new circumstances.

Locust Symbolism (In Different Countries)

Ancient Egypt

In ancient Egyptian culture, locusts were associated with chaos and destruction. They were often depicted in art and literature as harbingers of disaster. The ancient Egyptians’ fear of locust plagues was well-founded, given the locusts’ capacity to devastate crops and lead to famine.


In China, locusts have a dual symbolism. On the one hand, they represent good luck and fertility. The Chinese character for locust, “蝗,” is a homophone for the character “皇,” which means emperor or royal. Hence, locusts are sometimes seen as symbols of abundance and prosperity. On the other hand, locust plagues are dreaded for their destructive potential, reflecting the duality of their symbolism.


In various African cultures, locusts are seen as symbols of resilience and renewal. Some African tribes view locusts as messengers from the gods, bringing warnings or blessings. The cyclical nature of locust plagues, followed by periods of regrowth, symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the ability to rebuild after devastation.

Greece and Rome

In ancient Greece and Rome, locusts were often associated with the destructive power of nature. They were seen as symbols of divine wrath and punishment, with their swarming behavior likened to the armies of the gods.

Native American Cultures

In some Native American cultures, locusts symbolize transformation and the power of community. The locust’s ability to change from a solitary creature to a part of a massive swarm reflects the importance of adaptability and the strength found in unity.

See Also: What Does A Scarab Symbolize?

Locust Symbolism (With Different Colors)

Green Locusts

Green locusts often symbolize growth, renewal, and new beginnings. Their color is associated with nature, life, and fertility. Seeing a green locust might indicate that it’s time to embrace change and growth in one’s life.

Brown Locusts

Brown locusts are typically associated with earthiness and groundedness. They symbolize practicality, stability, and a connection to the earth. Encountering a brown locust can be a reminder to stay grounded and focused on practical matters.

Black Locusts

Black locusts can symbolize mystery, the unknown, and sometimes, negative aspects like fear or death. Their dark color might indicate a period of uncertainty or the need to confront one’s fears.

Red Locusts

Red locusts are often linked with passion, energy, and sometimes, warning. Their vibrant color can symbolize strong emotions, a call to action, or a warning of potential danger or significant change.

Locust Symbolize in Dreams

Dreaming of locusts can have various interpretations depending on the context and feelings associated with the dream.

Swarm of Locusts

A dream about a swarm of locusts often symbolizes feeling overwhelmed by something in your waking life. This could be a situation that feels out of control or a problem that is consuming your thoughts. It may also indicate fears of scarcity or loss.

Single Locust

Seeing a single locust in a dream might suggest that you are on the verge of a significant transformation. This could be a positive change, such as personal growth or a new beginning, or it could indicate the need to adapt to new circumstances.

Eating Locusts

Dreaming of eating locusts can symbolize taking in new experiences or ideas. It might suggest that you are trying to assimilate something new into your life or that you are open to new perspectives.

Locust Infestation

A dream of a locust infestation often symbolizes a sense of impending disaster or a situation that feels overwhelming. It may indicate anxieties about being consumed by something or fears of loss.

Myths and Legends About Locust

Locusts feature prominently in various myths and legends across cultures, often symbolizing powerful and sometimes contradictory forces.

The Bible

In the Bible, locusts are one of the ten plagues sent by God upon Egypt. This story symbolizes divine retribution and the consequences of ignoring moral and spiritual duties. The locust plague was a sign of God’s power and a warning to Pharaoh to release the Israelites.

Ancient Greece

In Greek mythology, locusts were sometimes associated with the gods and their wrath. For instance, the god Apollo was said to have sent locusts to punish humans for their hubris or misdeeds. This association highlights the locust’s role as a symbol of divine punishment and the power of the gods.


In African folklore, locusts are often seen as messengers from the spirit world. Some tribes believe that locusts carry messages from ancestors or gods, warning of impending danger or bringing blessings. This belief underscores the locust’s role as a symbol of communication between the earthly and spiritual realms.

Native American Legends

Some Native American tribes have legends about locusts as symbols of transformation and renewal. These stories often emphasize the locust’s ability to adapt and thrive in different environments, reflecting the importance of resilience and change in human life.

How Do You Know if the Locust is Your Spirit Animal

Identifying if a locust is your spirit animal involves introspection and awareness of the signs and messages in your life.

Recurring Sightings

If you frequently encounter locusts in your daily life, whether in nature, media, or dreams, it could be a sign that the locust is your spirit animal. These repeated encounters often indicate that the locust’s symbolism is relevant to your current life situation.

Personal Resonance

If you feel a strong connection to the characteristics and symbolism of locusts, such as resilience, transformation, and adaptability, this might indicate that the locust is your spirit animal. Reflect on how these qualities resonate with your personal experiences and challenges.

Spiritual Guidance

Some people receive guidance from spiritual practices, such as meditation, prayer, or shamanic journeys, to identify their spirit animals. If you receive messages or signs pointing to the locust during these practices, it could be a confirmation.

Symbolic Significance

Consider the symbolic significance of locusts in your life. If their symbolism of change, growth, and resilience aligns with your current path or challenges, it might be a sign that the locust is guiding you.

Emotional Response

Pay attention to your emotional response when you encounter locusts. If you feel a sense of connection, curiosity, or inspiration, it might indicate that the locust is your spirit animal. Trust your intuition and inner feelings.


Locusts, despite their often negative reputation due to their destructive potential, hold profound and multifaceted symbolic meanings across various cultures and contexts. From symbols of divine retribution and punishment to representations of resilience, transformation, and renewal, locusts embody a complex interplay of destruction and creation. Whether appearing in dreams, myths, or as spirit animals, locusts encourage us to embrace change, adapt to new circumstances, and find strength in adversity. By understanding the rich symbolism of locusts, we can gain deeper insights into our personal journeys and the broader cycles of life.

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