Yarrow Symbolism and Meaning in Love, Death & Bible



Yarrow, a flowering plant with delicate white, yellow, or pink blooms, has been revered for centuries for its beauty, medicinal properties, and symbolic meanings. This hardy plant, known scientifically as Achillea millefolium, is found in various parts of the world, from Europe to North America, and has a rich history in folklore, medicine, and spirituality. The symbolism of yarrow is multifaceted, representing everything from healing and protection to love and death. In this article, we will explore the various meanings and symbolisms associated with yarrow, including its significance in different colors, its role in the Bible, its interpretation in tattoos, and its meanings in love and death.

Yarrow Symbolism

Yarrow is a plant steeped in symbolism, with meanings that vary across different cultures and contexts. Traditionally, yarrow has been associated with healing and protection. In ancient times, it was used to treat wounds and was believed to have protective qualities that could ward off evil spirits and negative energy. This association with healing is one of the most enduring symbols of yarrow, making it a powerful emblem of health and well-being.

Yarrow is also a symbol of strength and resilience. The plant’s ability to thrive in harsh conditions, such as dry, rocky soils, and its resistance to drought and pests, make it a symbol of endurance and perseverance. It teaches us to remain steadfast in the face of adversity and to continue growing and thriving even in challenging environments.

In some traditions, yarrow is seen as a symbol of love and romance. Its delicate flowers are often associated with the softer, more tender aspects of love, such as compassion and nurturing. Yarrow has been used in love spells and charms, symbolizing the desire for lasting love and the protection of relationships.

Additionally, yarrow is sometimes associated with divination and the ability to see into the future. This symbolic meaning stems from its use in ancient Chinese divination practices, particularly in the I Ching, where yarrow stalks were used to determine hexagrams and gain insight into the future. This connection to foresight and intuition adds another layer to the symbolic richness of yarrow.

Yarrow Meaning

The meaning of yarrow goes beyond its symbolic associations and is deeply rooted in its practical uses throughout history. As a medicinal plant, yarrow has been used for centuries to treat a wide range of ailments, from wounds and infections to digestive issues and fever. This practical application of yarrow as a healing herb gives it a meaning closely tied to health, wellness, and recovery.

Yarrow’s meaning is also connected to its role as a protective plant. In folklore, yarrow was often hung over doorways or placed under pillows to protect against negative energies and nightmares. This protective aspect of yarrow reinforces its meaning as a guardian of both physical and spiritual health.

Furthermore, yarrow is associated with harmony and balance. Its use in rituals and ceremonies often aimed to bring balance to the mind, body, and spirit, promoting a sense of peace and well-being. This meaning of balance and harmony is particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced world, where finding equilibrium in life is increasingly important.

In the context of love and relationships, yarrow’s meaning is one of commitment and fidelity. It symbolizes the desire for a stable and harmonious relationship, one that is protected from outside influences and built on a foundation of trust and mutual respect.

See Also: All About Foxglove Flower Meaning and Symbolism

Yarrow Color Meaning

The color of yarrow flowers plays a significant role in their symbolism and meaning. Different colors of yarrow can convey different messages and have different symbolic associations.

White Yarrow

White yarrow is perhaps the most common variety and is often associated with purity, healing, and protection. The white color of the flowers symbolizes cleanliness and innocence, making it a popular choice for rituals and ceremonies focused on purification and cleansing. White yarrow is also linked to spiritual healing and is often used in practices aimed at restoring balance and harmony to the soul.

Yellow Yarrow

Yellow yarrow represents joy, happiness, and positivity. The bright, sunny color of yellow yarrow flowers is often associated with warmth and vitality, making it a symbol of optimism and good fortune. Yellow yarrow is also linked to the energy of the sun and is used in rituals to attract positive energy and abundance into one’s life.

Pink Yarrow

Pink yarrow symbolizes love, compassion, and emotional healing. The soft, delicate color of pink yarrow flowers is often associated with the heart and is used in love spells and rituals aimed at attracting and nurturing romantic relationships. Pink yarrow is also linked to the healing of emotional wounds, helping to soothe the heart and bring comfort during times of grief or sadness.

Red Yarrow

Red yarrow is a symbol of passion, courage, and strength. The deep, vibrant color of red yarrow flowers is often associated with the energy of the heart and the life force. Red yarrow is used in rituals to increase vitality, boost confidence, and inspire action. It is also linked to protection and is used to ward off negative influences and ensure safety and security.

Purple Yarrow

Purple yarrow represents spirituality, intuition, and wisdom. The rich, regal color of purple yarrow flowers is often associated with the crown chakra and is used in spiritual practices to enhance psychic abilities and deepen one’s connection to the divine. Purple yarrow is also linked to inner wisdom and is used in rituals to gain insight and clarity.

Yarrow Meaning Bible

In the Bible, while yarrow is not mentioned directly, its symbolism and meaning can be inferred from the broader context of the Bible’s teachings on plants and herbs. Herbs in the Bible are often associated with healing and purification, and yarrow, with its long history of medicinal use, fits well within this tradition.

The healing properties of yarrow can be seen as a reflection of the biblical themes of restoration and renewal. Just as yarrow was used to heal wounds and promote physical well-being, the Bible speaks of spiritual healing and the restoration of the soul through faith and divine intervention.

Yarrow’s association with protection also resonates with biblical themes of divine protection and guidance. The Bible frequently refers to God as a protector and a shield, and yarrow’s role as a protective herb mirrors this spiritual concept. In this way, yarrow can be seen as a symbol of God’s watchful care and protection over His people.

Furthermore, yarrow’s use in rituals and ceremonies aimed at bringing balance and harmony aligns with the biblical emphasis on peace and righteousness. The Bible speaks of the importance of living in harmony with others and with God, and yarrow’s symbolic meaning of balance reinforces this message.

Yarrow Meaning in Tattoos

Yarrow is a popular choice for tattoos, not only for its delicate beauty but also for its rich symbolism. A yarrow tattoo can carry a variety of meanings, depending on the wearer’s intentions and the context in which the tattoo is chosen.

Healing and Recovery

One of the most common meanings of a yarrow tattoo is healing and recovery. Yarrow’s long history as a medicinal plant makes it a powerful symbol of health and wellness. A yarrow tattoo can be a reminder of the wearer’s journey to recovery, whether from physical illness, emotional pain, or spiritual challenges.

Protection and Strength

Yarrow’s symbolism of protection and strength also makes it a popular choice for tattoos. A yarrow tattoo can serve as a protective talisman, guarding the wearer against negative energies and influences. It can also symbolize inner strength and resilience, reminding the wearer of their ability to overcome adversity and thrive in difficult circumstances.

Love and Commitment

In the context of love, a yarrow tattoo can symbolize commitment and fidelity. The plant’s association with lasting love and the protection of relationships makes it an ideal symbol for those who value loyalty and devotion in their romantic partnerships. A yarrow tattoo can serve as a symbol of the wearer’s dedication to their loved ones and their commitment to nurturing and protecting their relationships.

Balance and Harmony

Yarrow’s meaning of balance and harmony is another reason why it is a popular tattoo choice. A yarrow tattoo can symbolize the wearer’s desire for equilibrium in their life, whether in their personal relationships, career, or spiritual journey. It can also serve as a reminder to stay grounded and centered, even in the face of life’s challenges.

Spiritual Connection

For those who are spiritually inclined, a yarrow tattoo can represent a connection to the divine and a deepening of spiritual awareness. Yarrow’s association with intuition, foresight, and spiritual protection makes it a meaningful symbol for those seeking to enhance their spiritual practice and deepen their connection to the higher realms.

Yarrow Meaning in Love

Yarrow has a special place in the symbolism of love and relationships. Its delicate flowers and soft, soothing scent make it a symbol of tenderness, compassion, and nurturing love.

In ancient times, yarrow was often used in love spells and charms, symbolizing the desire for lasting love and the protection of relationships. The plant’s protective qualities were believed to guard against outside influences that could harm a relationship, ensuring that love would remain strong and enduring.

Yarrow is also associated with the healing of emotional wounds in the context of love. Just as the plant was used to heal physical wounds, it is also seen as a symbol of the healing power of love. Yarrow represents the idea that love can mend broken hearts, soothe emotional pain, and bring comfort during times of grief or sadness.

In some traditions, yarrow is used in wedding ceremonies to symbolize the couple’s commitment to each other and their desire for a harmonious and balanced relationship. The plant’s association with balance and harmony makes it an ideal symbol for those who seek to create a loving, stable partnership built on mutual respect and understanding.

Yarrow Meaning in Death

Yarrow’s symbolism extends to the realm of death and the afterlife, where it is often associated with the transition from life to death and the protection of the soul during this journey.

In some cultures, yarrow was used in funeral rites and ceremonies as a symbol of protection for the deceased. It was believed that yarrow could ward off evil spirits and ensure a safe passage to the afterlife. This protective quality of yarrow in the context of death reinforces its broader symbolism as a guardian and healer.

Yarrow is also associated with the idea of remembrance and honoring the dead. The plant’s resilience and ability to thrive in harsh conditions make it a symbol of enduring memory and the lasting impact of those who have passed on. A yarrow plant or flower may be used to honor the memory of a loved one, symbolizing the idea that their spirit continues to live on, even after death.

In some traditions, yarrow is seen as a symbol of rebirth and renewal, representing the cycle of life, death, and resurrection. Just as the plant dies back in the winter and returns to life in the spring, yarrow symbolizes the belief in life after death and the idea that death is not an end, but a transition to a new beginning.


Yarrow is a plant rich in meaning and symbolism, with associations that span across healing, protection, love, death, and spirituality. Its delicate beauty and enduring strength make it a powerful symbol of resilience, balance, and harmony. Whether used in rituals, ceremonies, tattoos, or as a symbol in the context of love and death, yarrow carries a deep and multifaceted significance that continues to inspire and guide people around the world. By understanding the meanings and symbolism of yarrow, we can gain a deeper appreciation for this remarkable plant and the lessons it has to offer.

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